The above link connects to a delightful PBS documentary created in 1989, titled ‘Once A Catholic.’ CLS is featured in the first 15 minutes or so, while St Leo’s in Milwaukee is described in the rest of the film. The accompanying blurb says,
‘Highlights the changing roles of women, divorced Catholics, and African-Americans and how they are challenging the traditional life of the Catholic church’ Aired: 11/14/89
It’s fun to view after all these years – it had been largely forgotten until it was accessed in September 2023. (BB)
The Community of the Living Spirit (CLS), located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, was founded in 1971 by former parishioners of St. William’s Catholic Church. The founders had two primary purposes in mind: a commitment to personal religious or spiritual growth through liturgy and education, and a ministry to the spiritual and physical needs of fellow human beings. Intrinsic to these two purposes was the desire for church members themselves to be involved in planning and facilitating organizational, liturgical, educational, and social justice activities. The hope was to employ the gifts and talents of all members of the congregation and to use a more celebratory style of worship. Along with this was an insistence on the intellectual freedom to question and reconsider the traditions and theologies of the established church.
The impetus for creating this type of community can be found in the spirit of the times. Not only was it a direct result of the aggiornamento, or ‘open window’ approach to Catholic church practice stemming from Vatican II, it also reflected the progressive tones of other challenges to social structures such as the civil rights, feminist, and anti-war movements of the 1960’s. Open-mindedness was heralded by many with great enthusiasm and led to spirited discussion across many here-to-fore closed boundaries. In the world of religion ecumenical dialogues commenced and interest grew in learning more about religious traditions of the world. This led to the realization by many that there are a multitude of valid pathways on the search for meaning, truth, and spiritual growth.
This spirit of the times had cast its impressions on many of the parishioners of St. William’s church. A popular six-week adult education course offered by associate pastor Dean Marek called ‘The Liturgy Series,’ for example, delved into the historical development of the church. This course had a profound effect on many people since it demonstrated the clearly human origins of rituals and beliefs that had previously been viewed as somehow divinely ordained. Wanting to continue learning, and desiring to express new ideas in a venue that provided the freedom to do so, a fairly large group (after receiving permission from the Milwaukee Archdiocese!) held liturgies in the St. William’s school gym. The first of these more informal and ‘contemporary’ liturgies was held on November 29, 1970.
The inspiration found in progressive ideas, the upbeat music (featuring guitars and drums!), and the sense of involved community found in this gym liturgy had great appeal and was thoroughly enjoyed. When the St. William’s Parish Council threatened to ‘close it down,’ believing it to be too innovative, most of the people who had been attending it voiced their dismay – and their determination to continue in some way. This propelled the group to form a steering committee which would explore the possibility of founding a separate, more contemporary parish. At first the committee attempted to gain the approval of the Priests Senate, but when the Senate’s reaction indicated little chance for that, the steering committee, meeting at Maureen and Ken Turk’s home, decided to forge ahead without official approval. As an early essay states, “On that evening, July 1, 1971, the seven families represented at the meeting pledged themselves to secure and support a new community to be called ‘The Community of the Living Spirit.’ This name was chosen because those present felt that the Holy Spirit had inspired them toward their action. The intent of this group was to provide the impetus and funds to get the new community started.” (The Founding of the Community of the Living Spirit – written in 1974 or before by authors unknown)
The seven families referred to were Maureen and Ken Turk, Joanne and Mike Riordan, Patty and Bill Downham, Pat and Ted Memmel, Theresa and John Levenhagen, John and Nancy Kendziorski, and Marge Bergman. Dean Marek, later the same evening, was informed of the action of this group and was asked to become the minister for the new community. He accepted. (In August Dean left St. William’s and was given a part-time assignment at St. Mary’s Academy by the Milwaukee Archdiocese – with the understanding that he was free to do what he wished in his ‘free time.’ This was taken as tacit approval of his engagement with CLS.)
And so it happened – CLS began, with its first liturgy held on Sunday, July 25, 1971, at the YWCA of Waukesha, with about 250 people in attendance. The fairly large number of people attending was a surprise. It was known that there was interest in this new community but whether or not people would actually take the step to participate was another question entirely. This demonstration of active interest represented quite a bit of boldness on the part of many people – their lifelong commitment to their Catholic tradition created a sense of anxiety upon joining a church that was not officially sanctioned. CLS was viewed by many in the greater community in a variety of interesting and controversial ways – as a group of ‘hippies,’ as a cult, as definitely a fringe element in daring to step beyond the authority of the Church. One person recalls actually shaking with apprehension when the decision was made to found CLS – not only was this break with tradition a personal issue, but there was also the possibility of criticism and hurt feelings of family members and friends to consider. But the strong sense of community, the desire for greater personal involvement, and the opportunity for a new kind of spiritual growth overcame these very real concerns.
Informational and organizational meetings were held on July 21 and August 19 at the Waukesha State Bank, with more than 100 interested people indicating their support and their willingness to work on creating the structure and the spirit of this new venture. First officers for the new community were Ken Turk, president; Bill Downham, vice-president; Edna Furrer, secretary; Hank McCabe, treasurer; and Janice Levenhagen, youth vice-president. The first Board Meeting was held on September 9, with committee chairs chosen: Jerry Wright, membership; Marilyn Baus, education; Ann Miller, community witness; Louanne Jozwiak, liturgy; and Mike Riordan, treasurer. Much thoughtful work was put into writing the CLS bylaws as well, with the finalization and approval of the constitution and bylaws occurring at a general meeting on April 27, 1972. The writers of this document were Bill Schuster, Al Kasprowicz, and Betty Schattl.
And the new community flourished, reaching a membership of about 300 people by December of 1971. Its success was definitely due to the talents and commitment of all the people working together in an atmosphere of support and encouragement. The leadership of Dean Marek was a key component in that he was immersed in the progressive ideas of the day and as minister conveyed them with great competence, creativity, and enthusiasm. Others, of course, were just as gifted and informed and ably added their expertise to the venture. The many, many opportunities for creative expression not only benefited the community, it also brought forth talents in individuals that had previously been untapped. Both children and adults benefited greatly through such experiences as teaching, singing, acting, writing, giving talks or doing readings during liturgy, learning to create slide presentations, making banners and other artwork, and learning various dances (often thanks to Ruthe Browne!). Confidence-building, mutual empowerment, and a greatly heightened sense of one’s gifts and abilities were – and still are – the frequent result of involvement in these kinds of activities.
Since one of the primary purposes of CLS was to minister to the physical needs of fellow human beings, the activist and organizational talents of many were also put to use immediately as CLS took on many community action projects. CLS members helped establish agencies such as the Food Pantry (started by Buck Houston and Dave Helling – and first located in the basement of Fairview House, Dean Marek’s home!), The Women’s Center (Anne Beyers was one of the five founding mothers), and Hebron House, all of which continue to flourish and are still meeting the needs of the Waukesha community and beyond. Other early social action projects included the White Rock School breakfast program, a clothing center, the purchase of a bus for La Casa de Esperanza, and a moving committee (Katy Furrer recalled that her dad, Ed, bought an old truck just for this purpose!).
Many people attracted to CLS were involved in the larger social issues of the day. Kate Jolin led the way in anti-war education, for example, and many were involved in the civil rights and women’s movements. The support and encouragement these leaders received from others at CLS served to strengthen their resolve, and their example also raised the consciousness of many and helped create avid interest in these causes. CLS people also supported the political campaigns of various members – Meg Kasprowicz and Dean Marek for school board, for example, and Anne Weiss for alderwoman.
Given continued membership growth – about 400 members by the late 1970’s – and the surge in community projects, additional leadership was needed and former nun Mary Ann Ihm joined Dean Marek as co-minister in about 1978. Mary Ann brought a wealth of educational and liturgical experience to CLS.
The founders of CLS considered it very important to rent rather than own a building so that a good portion of members’ donations – the goal was 50% – could be used for social justice activities in the greater community. Therefore, CLS has held Sunday liturgies in a variety of places through the years: the YWCA, Mount St. Paul College, White Rock School gym, Carroll College, Riverwalk Apartments Community Room, Shear Class Salon, La Casa de Esperanza, ARCh (Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps), and, in warm-weather months, Waukesha parks and CLS members’ yards. In the early years Fairview House (Dean’s home) became a meeting place for choir practice, committee work, and educational programs. It housed the CLS office as well, with Edna Furrer as the first secretary.
Education has held a predominant place throughout CLS’s history. In the early years there were comprehensive child and adult programs, including well-attended and enjoyable overnight retreats at such places as St. Amelian’s (Camp Villa Jerome) and Camp Byron. There were substantive offerings such as church history and world religions as well as classes of the ‘self-help’ variety so prevalent in the 1970’s. (‘Twilight Renewals’ and ‘Adventures in Self-Disclosure’ are just a few rather interesting recollections!) Many ‘Rap Groups’ were also formed, which provided mutual support and a venue for the exploration of many topics. One of these groups, now called the ‘Spirit Sisters,’ had been together for over 40 years! Various theologies – liberation, feminist, creation spirituality, eco-theology, the universe story, evolutionary faith – have been studied through the years and many books have been discussed, with discussions most often led by Julie Vogelsang.
Music has also been liturgically important. Dean Marek – music director as well as minister – is a talented musician who, with input from choir members, selected meaningful and energizing contemporary church music and directed a fairly large choir as well as string and wind ensembles for special occasions. These early days saw a fairly rigorous appraisal of the language used in songs and an easy ability to change words when exclusive language or questionable theology was apparent. Cedarburg music teacher Marilyn Schmit became the next music director, providing talented leadership for about three years. Bonnie Birk assumed this position next, in about 1985, and has provided music direction, song selection, wording revision, and guitar accompaniment right up to the present.
As the years went by, CLS continued to operate without the approval of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. With Dean Marek, a priest in good standing as its spiritual leader, those who considered themselves Catholic were comfortable with the arrangement. However, when Dean left, many from the Catholic tradition left as well, and membership went into a steady decline from about this point. Dean had been suspended by the Archdiocese “principally for officiating at ‘non-canonical’ marriages,” according to a Waukesha Freeman article of 8-29-83, and left CLS to take a church-sanctioned position. (While now retired, he went on to have a long career as director of chaplain services at Mayo Clinic.)
By the mid 1980’s, even though smaller in numbers, the people remaining continued with great enthusiasm and vitality, and those who joined in the ensuing years added much to the CLS experience. In 1983, after Dean left (Mary Ann Ihm had resigned a few years previously), Lutheran minister Ed Ruen became CLS’s next spiritual leader. His experiences as the director of the Next Door Foundation in Milwaukee added much to his ministry with CLS. The next minister, United Methodist Jenny Schroeder, was engaged by CLS in 1986. Compatible with the CLS vision, Jenny did much of her ministry in the wider community and in ecumenical groups.
For a few years, starting in 1988, space was rented for the CLS office in the M&M building in downtown Waukesha (on the corner of Maple and Main), a place where, at the time, many agencies worked to meet community needs such as food, clothing, and housing. Also in the M&M building was the Waukesha Center for Peace and Justice (now the Plowshare Center), which was founded by CLS members Kate Jolin, Alice Foley, Joanne Riordan, and Julie Vogelsang. Plowshare is dedicated to working for peace globally, locally, and personally through education and communication, and, for years, has operated a popular and valued fair trade marketplace in downtown Waukesha. It was at about this time, also, that CLS’s long-term relationship with the Hmong community began, given impetus by the tireless work of Georgeian Krabath. This entailed many enjoyable Christmas parties and picnics as well as the opportunity to hear the highly informative and poignant stories told by Hmong refugees. Money was collected for Hmong college students’ textbooks, for garden plots, for rice, and for younger kids’ school supplies, while clothing, furniture, and appliances were also donated. One of the best parts of this relationship for CLS members was receiving the bounty of fresh vegetables from Hmong gardens!
Linda Vincent became the CLS administrative secretary in 1988, replacing Alice Foley. Linda still holds this position – a longtime legacy of greatest efficiency!
In 1992 Ed Kurth, a married Catholic priest, briefly joined CLS as its spiritual director, and in early 1993 Dick Bidwell, a Lutheran minister, assumed that position. Dick served until 1999, adding much to the CLS experience through his great kindness and his dramatic, yet down-to-earth homiletic style. Craig Bergland, of the Universal Anglican Church, served as CLS minister from the fall of 1999 until the spring of 2008. Craig’s well-delivered homilies on social justice issues were much appreciated.
In about 2003 CLS became involved, through the leadership of Kate Jolin, Laraine O’Brien, Katy Furrer, and Linda Johns, with SOPHIA (Stewards of Prophetic, Hopeful, Intentional Action), which is a group of congregations along with La Casa de Esperanza that has worked together on issues of social concern such as criminal justice reform, immigration, and affordable housing. CLS has also supported, through significant donations, the Waukesha Food Pantry, Cooperating Congregations of Greater Waukesha (now the Hope Center), the catholic Worker House (which closed in 2020), Project Reassurance, School Social Services, Hebron House, The Women’s Center, La Casa de Esperanza, Plowshare Center, and St Joseph’s Medical and Dental Clinic (now Waukesha Free Clinic). Other activities that benefit the workings of CLS itself have developed through the years – Linda Savin-Parker sent hundreds of beautiful custom-made cards, for example, Marge Dabel Bergeon shared her amazing poems and reflections on nature and spirituality, and Marilyn Baus and Ellen Schuster organized countless social events, including yearly anniversary picnics and parties that have been enjoyed by many past as well as present CLS members.
When Craig Bergland left in April of 2008, CLS members gathered in small groups to discuss the future of CLS, wondering if we had the resources to continue since we had become rather few in number. But through many enjoyable and enlightening conversations we decided that with the talent and enthusiasm within our group we would do without a minister for a while and act as liturgists and homilists ourselves. Given the many interests and talents of CLS people, this worked out beautifully; better, in fact, than anyone had imagined! There was also, however, a desire to experience new insights and perspectives that could be gained from people outside of CLS who would add their own theological and spiritual explorations, so a decision was made to hire a minister who would provide liturgies for just two Sundays per month. Financially, this would also allow continued funding for social justice causes.
As it turned out, two ministers were found who, starting in January of 2009, were responsible for just one liturgy each month. One was Irene Senn, who was the Director of the Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation for the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi. She brought a fine mixture of her own knowledge and experience to CLS, but resigned after one year due to the demands of her other job. The next minister hired at this time was Sharon Sullivan, a former Sinsinawa Dominican nun with a long and full teaching and ministering career. She has greatly enhanced the CLS experience with her knowledge and expertise, her delightful sense of humor, and her wonderful feminist spirit! In early 2010, Katherine Zakutansky, an interfaith minister with a focus on the underlying spirituality common to all religions, was hired to provide one liturgy per month. She, too, brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to CLS! In December of 2022 Sharon Sullivan retired after fourteen wonderful years of enriching CLS, and a new minister, Sandy Peters, took her place in January 2023. Sandy, a retired teacher, happened to walk by as CLS was meeting at Bethesda Park on a Sunday morning in August 2021, joined right in, and has ever since shared her wonderful talents and inspiring spiritual journeying. She has also involved CLS in a new justice-seeking fund-raiser – the Running for Water event to benefit DigDeep, the Navajo Water Project! CLS is truly fortunate!
CLS in 2025, as it celebrates the fifty-fourth year of its founding, is a small community (with about twenty active members), and an aging one, yet it endures as a vibrant, helpful, and spiritually enriching entity. The basic goals of its founding families have been met – and have indeed been surpassed in ways that could not have been foreseen – in that CLS is entirely self-directed, it still spends a good portion of its money on social justice causes, it places great emphasis on mutual support, and has developed an atmosphere of freedom whereby life’s meaning is explored through beliefs ranging from Christian to atheist. The years ahead promise to be good ones!
(by Bonnie Birk, written in 2011 and updated occasionally; included are excerpts from earlier histories written by unknown authors!)